1 USD buys inf Satoshis
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Convert SATS to USD – How many Satoshis do you get for $1?
How many Satoshis do you get per $1 USD?
With the sats to USD converter you know exactly what you get.
What is a Satoshi?
Satoshis are the smallest unit of Bitcoin.
One Bitcoin is made out of 100.000.000 Satoshis. That’s 100 Million.
Satoshis are referred to Sats because it’s shorter and cuter.
What could be the value of a Satoshi in the future?
While in some countries like Vietnam the price of a Dong is already on pair with one sat, it is still a way to go until $1USD = 1SAT. But many bitcoin experts believe that the Dollar Satoshi pairing is a question of when not if and just a matter of time.
How many Sats do you get per Dollar?
When the price per 1 BTC is around $50.000 you would get around 2.000 Satoshis for 1 USD Dollar.
When the price per 1 BTC rises to $100.000 you would get half of that, so 1.000 Satoshis per 1 USD.
Converting Sats to USD
The higher the price per Bitcoin, the less Sats per Dollar you can stack. Many believe it’s a great deal to stack 2.000 Sats for just 1 USD, considering that in the future 1 Sat could be equal to 1 USD. This is a actually a completely new way of looking on the price of bitcoin. Experts like Aleks Svetski call out the bears on a regular basis and say “You are all to bearish, the time will come where bitcoin will grow so hard and so fast that over night 1 Sat will go from 1 USD to 2 USD”
Imagine that you own just 1000 Sats and it’s perhaps worth $1.000 at some point in the hypothetical future. But the following day, because of hyperbitcoinization, the value of your Sats dramatically increases as the world realizes the true power of bitcoin. Suddenly the value of your stash of 1000 Sats is worth $2.000. So it doubled over night.
Hard to imagine? Just look at hyperinflation scenarios that occured in other countries and it is not so far fetched as you might think, that this could actually happen.
With that in mind, Sats are actually pretty cheap these days. Just one Dollar for a stash of 2.000 Sats.
100.000 Sats a year’s salary?
Another opinion is that $500 buys you a years salary. So for 100.000 Sats you only have to pay around $500 in 2021. But 100.000 could be a years salary in a few years. Who knows? Do you want to bet?
Or educate yourself about the possible outcome of hyperbitcoinization 🙂
Dollars into Satoshis, what’s the trick?
What is the buying power of your bitcoin? When the Sat per USD count goes down you get more USD for your sats, right? Let’s say you convert Sats to US Dollars at the bitcoin price of $50.000 you would get 2.000 Sats, right? But when the bitcoin price increases your stash gives your back more USD. On the other hand, if you still hold USD while Bitcoin appreciates you will get less and less sats for USD. Maybe you get 2.000 Sats per 1 USD in 2020. But in 2025 this could be a deal what never comes back because then you’ll only get 500 Satoshis per 1 USD. And eventually you’ll get only 50 Sats per USD and so on. With the Satohis Dollar converter you can find the current deal. If you think it’s a good deal you should #stacksats and just click here
What is Moscow Time — the Moscow Time Meme?
Maybe you have heard people online talk about moscow time. But what the heck are you talking about, it surely isn’t about the time in Moscow?
You can do the test and ask Bitcoin Twitter what time it is, you’ll get “It’s Moscow Time” in plenty of replies but of course with a cheeky smile attached.
This phenomenon or meme was continued after a cybersecurity researcher by the name of Crhis Vickery tapped into the honeypot, or the Moscow Trap.
It was March 2021 when billionaire and ex-ceo of Twitter Jack Dorsey had a video call to discuss fake news with the House committee. Mr Vickery thought he’d cracked a mystery surrounding weird clock sitting in Dorsey’s room.
Vickery spotted something that didn’t seem right. Dorsey’s alledged “clock” read “1952” — far too late for Dorsey’s assumed location as the sun was still out behind him.

So our smart man, Vickery, a fast mind and smart thinker wondered if Dorsey had set the clock to Russian hours. However, that would have been out of touch because the sun had already set over in Moscow.
So, if Dorsey wasn’t in Moscow but his clock told Moscow Time, what was Dorsey trying to say?
Vickery who by his very profession is familiar with spionage and intelligence, reckoned this was Dorsey’s way of “blinking in Morse code,” so to speak — a way to signal Russia’s ties to disinformation in the US.
Moscow Time IS A count down – WHEN Bitcoin’s price increases, MOSCOW TOWN GOES BACKWARDS
Dorsey’s clock was a very geeky gadget called Blockclock. In particular the device on his board in the background was was actually a Blockclock Mini, a so-called “Bitcoin art piece” from cold wallet manufacturer Coinkite which is used to display the block count of the bitcoin blockchain as well as – you might have guessed it – the amount of Satoshis you will get per 1 USD.
- The Blockclock can display how many Satoshis (Bitcoin’s smallest unit) one can buy for $1.
- During Dorsey’s call, $1 could buy 1952 ‘sats’ — a number coincidentally similar to the time in Moscow.
- Dorsey’s clock also briefly showed Bitcoin’s ‘block height.’
Vickery even doubled down despite waves of mockery from the Bitcoin crowd. In particular, he highlighted Blockclock’s product page.
There, the company stated Blockclocks can also show local time — which supposedly kept Vickery’s theory alive.
Now, Bitcoin fans use ‘Moscow Time’ interchangeably with the USD-to-sat conversion rate at any given moment.
Simply put, when Bitcoin goes up, Moscow Time goes down.
When Moscow Time hits zero, so-called ‘hyperbitcoinization‘ has occurred — the theoretical moment when Bitcoin has eaten the world, pricing everything in ultra-expensive BTC rather than fiat.
Protos reached out to Vickery for his take on the latest wave of memes but received no comment at press time.
[Read more: Jack Dorsey whipped out his Bitcoin clock and Twitter went wild]
Moscow Time is currently 1877.
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