$5 Christmas Discount for Plebnet

Plebnet.com is without a doubt the most vibrant bitcoin focused node-running community. No other community is like the plebnet. Born to outclass banking and to build a gigantic, global network of bitcoin fullnodes and lightning routing nodes, the members of the plebnet all identify with the permissionless mission, helping bitcoin and lightning succeed.
Honestly, it’s a thrilling adventure, we’re on to here because what else is more interesting and fascinating than bitcoin. Together the plebnet members have decided to help each other operate nodes better and more efficient. Like a network of communities or the hanseatic league a bond of mutual benefit.
Everyone loves the plebnet and in particular when members of the network are in the news and talk about their latest successes of taking over the financial industry with open source software.
Plebenet is truly special and to send them the warmest christmas whishes Bitcoin Shop Miami has made a special discount available.
With the coupon code HOHOHOPLEBNET the members of plebnet enjoy a 5 USD discount on all our noderunner items.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New year Plebnet!